Maintenance Services

Investigation and Advisory Services

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Investigation and Advisory Services

Hi-Glitz offers expert services to visit client’s premises to evaluate problems with cleaning and advise accordingly on the correct use of our products or to advise other corrective measures.

For this expert service, a fixed amount of $70/= will be charged to the client. This amount may be offset against any other services rendered by Hi-Glitz or purchases of Hi-Glitz products.

  • This charges of $70/= covers one visit at any one location.

  • There shall be no refund of charges or unused balance.

While we try to determine the root cause of any problems to the best of our knowledge, we are unable to guarantee the restoration of any surfaces to its original finish.

This is frequently due to irreparable extent of damages caused by prior wrong use of aggressive an corrosive chemicals. In such instances, the client shall be advised accordingly.

Investigation and Advisory Services

Hi-Glitz offers expert services to visit client’s premises to evaluate problems with cleaning and advise accordingly on the correct use of our products or to advise other corrective measures.

For this expert service, a fixed amount of $70/= will be charged to the client. This amount may be offset against any other services rendered by Hi-Glitz or purchases of Hi-Glitz products.

  • This charges of $70/= covers one visit at any one location.

  • There shall be no refund of charges or unused balance.

While we try to determine the root cause of any problems to the best of our knowledge, we are unable to guarantee the restoration of any surfaces to its original finish.

This is frequently due to irreparable extent of damages caused by prior wrong use of aggressive an corrosive chemicals. In such instances, the client shall be advised accordingly.

Our Value Offering

Right products: We use superior high-quality cleaning products and shampoos that are directly imported from Europe to clean your carpet.

Right Tools: These, combined with our specialised carpet shampoo cleaning machines or steam cleaning machines, make sure that every spot on your carpet is thoroughtly clean.

Right Man: Our experts have more than 15 years of experience in carpet cleaning in Singapore, and when other professional cleaners have difficulties in cleaning carpets, they approach us for our advice.

Right Process: We understand that no two carpets are ever alike in their cleaning needs. Therefore, our experts will examine the carpet and recommend a customised service to restore your carpet into pristine condition.

Right Price: Our services are competitive priced.

Contact Us for a no-obligation quote. Call us: 6858 4477

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