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To View Technical Data Sheet : 4250295100503.pdf
Hi-Glitz the only such store known to offer such a wide and comprehensive range of d-i-y easy to use and safe products to meet your cleaning needs. The unique products available are imported from Germany and are of a very high quality. These are customised and designed for cleaning, restoring, beautifying and protection for specific materials.
Effect of Parquet and Wooden Floor Wash & Shine:
Cleaning and caring action. Parquet and Wooden Floor Wash & Shine removes dirt and running marks as well as greasy and oily deposits effortlessly. Parquet & Wooden Floor Wash & Shine also freshens up flooring and maintains the natural appearance of high-quality parquet and wooden floors. Parquet & Wooden Floor Wash & Shine does not make floors slippery. Furthermore Parquet & Wooden Floor Wash & Shine prevents early signs of ageing such as darkening, grey coloration or bleached out effects.
Application of use Parquet and Wooden Floor Wash & Shine:
Parquet and Wooden Floor Wash & Shine may be used for all natural, oiled, waxed and sealed parquet and wooden floors.
Direction of use:
Add 50 ml of Parquet and Wooden Floor Wash & Shine to a bucket (5 Liter) of lukewarm water. Mix well. Wet mop with the mopping cloth wrungout and allow to dry. Re-mopping is not necessary. Do not walk on the area while it is drying.
Parquet substrates are sensitive to moisture. For this reason, do not moisten the floor too much. The effect of moisture over time can lead to swelling and to bulging of the flooring. For this reason, only wet mop and avoid water “puddles” forming on the surface.
How to Clean Parquet and Wooden Floors like a Pro
Call Hi-Glitz 68584477/97374477 for more information